
Music and dance…

Our mascot, Godfrey, has been helping with the music for our dance lessons with Michelle from MLC Dance.

It’s only just over a week to go before our marathon 24hr dance event, you can come and join us for as much or as little of the dancing as you want, you may even get a free lesson!

Please donate to DiabetesUK on our justgiving page, there is a link on our website.


Waltzing around..

So, the training for the challenge is under way, Lee is having dancing lessons and is currently learning the social Foxtrot, Salsa, Rumba and Cha Cha Cha.

The hall is booked for 10th and 11th November and the playlist is being compiled.

Keep an eye out for more details of the challenge and if you are interested in joining Lee for any part of the challenge please get in touch.

Our mascot, Godfrey, has his outfit sorted and is ready for the challenge.